The Turkiston Palace of Arts hosted a solemn event dedicated to Talented Youth Took Place-2017 for students enrolled in the Tashkent Medical Academy in 2017-2018. An exhibition of photographs and banners reflecting the negative effects of drug addiction, promoting healthy lifestyle in the foyer of the arts palace, the Science Olympiads of gifted students of the Academy, an exhibition of certificates of international conferences, and a book fair organized by the editors of the “New Generation” was introduced. The ceremonial part of the event was opened by rector of Tashkent Medical Academy L. Tugichiev.

In the artistic part of the event, scholars who made a great contribution to the science of civilization of the world included the Emblem of the Academy, the symbolic letter from Hippocrates, the symbol of Abu Rayhan Beruni from the Khorezm Mamun Academy, Abu Ali ibn Sinan’s ” The presentation of the symbolic symbols of the Communication Protocol to the rector of the Academy and gifted students began with the appearance.

During the event, more than 500 students, admitted to the first course of the Academy, took the oath to protect the honor and dignity of the citizen of independent Uzbekistan, preserve the political stability of the society, the civilian tranquility and national consent, the highest value, the fate of the Independent Homeland. to get closer to the Motherland and its great future, to contribute to the prosperity and prosperity of the Homeland, to the world community in the twenty-first century Al-Khorazmiy, Abu Rayhon Beruniy, Ibn Sino, Mirzo Ulughbek, Alisher Navoi, Zahiriddin Al-Farghoni, Al-Farghoni, Al-Farghoni, Al-Farghoni, Al-Farghoni, Muhammad Bobur is a great example of the success of his ancestors, their deep spirituality, their deep study, careful enrichment, the burning of their lamps, the deep understanding of modern methods of treatment and diagnostics, not to disclose personal information about patients, to forget about the duty of parenthood in front of parents, to focus their attention on the basis of their knowledge in the interests of patients, promote healthy lifestyles, prevent diseases, educate a healthy generation, adhere to the principles of medical ethics and deontology , swearing in such words as purmano ideas, such as completing it. During the event, talented students of the House of Culture of the Academy of Arts, including Shakhzod Juraev, a student of the Faculty of Medical Prevention, performed “First Let’s Go Uzbekistan”, a student of the Faculty of Medicine Yusupov Asror, “Today’s Holiday”, student of the Faculty of Medicine Yusupova Nargiza, “Fidoying you, Uzbekistan! “, A solo song performed at the Military Medical Faculty under the TTA, and M.Abdullaev, the head of the House of Culture, performs singing songs” Let’s pray “. was introduced.

Guests of the higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan were presented with performance songs, performances by talented students of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan, the Uzbek State Institute of Arts and Culture. The student of medical faculty U.Hamraeva, the student of faculty of medical pedagogics K. Khidoyatov, the student of higher education nurse M.Istamkulova, the student of the medical preventive faculty Dikmat Khikmatov presented their poems to the audience.

The event was attended by honorable professors and students of the Academy, students, parents, public organizations and mass media. The event was held in an artistic atmosphere.

The department of Spiritual works of TMA


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