In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 13, 2018 F-5413 “On measures to prepare and celebrate the 27th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland”, as well as on the implementation of the Decree of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan To ensure the fulfillment of letter No. 87-02-3815 of 20118 from December 15, 2018 to January 15, 2019, the Month of Patriotism is held.

A nation, of course, can build its great future on the path to glorifying the glory of great people, people, our ancestors, raising young people in the spirit of patriotism, forming a mature, physically healthy, educated, and selfless child. One of the most urgent tasks of today is to embody the feeling of the Motherland in the heart of every person living in our country and to become for several thousand years one of the centers of the material and spiritual culture of Uzbekistan.

As our president said: “Our greatest confidence, our support is our growing generation.” The most important source of the formation of a healthy and spiritually mature person is the upbringing of the younger generation of the descendants of their ancestors as a result of the adoption of laws, legal acts and government programs that help them achieve modern science.

In this regard, on January 12-13, in the sports complex “Shifokor” mini-football, arm wrestling and arcades competitions among students of the Tashkent Medical Academy were held. The competition was organized and conducted by the Department of Youth and Spirituality and Education, the Ministry of Justice, the Dean’s Office and Public Medicine, rehabilitation and physical culture. According to the results of the mini-football tournament, the 3rd place was taken by the 1st place, the second place was taken by the students of the 2nd place, and the students of the 4th class took the third place. Pupils of the 4th grade No. 4 took the 1st place, pupils of the 7th grade took the 2nd place, and pupils of the 5th grade took the 3rd place, and in the sport of arm wrestling the pupil of the 7th grade Abdullayev Doston took 1 place, and Ochilzhonov and Toshpulatov became the winners of the tournament. The competition was interesting. In the final part of the event, the winners were awarded diplomas and prizes.

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