Tashkent Medical Academy

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Tashkent Medical Academy was founded on the basis of abolished 1st and 2nd Tashkent State Medical Institutes through the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I.A.Karimov N-3629 as of 19 July 2005.

Main tasks of the Academy:

  • ensuring preparation of highly qualified medical personnel for quality improvement of health care being provided to population and participation in improvement of the structure of healthcare system;
  • coordination and methodological guidance of higher medical education facilities as the leading educational facility in the country on education, postgraduate education of medical personnel, as well as performing research works in health care and public health, shaping healthy life styles;
  • Identification of perspective directions for education of medical personnel, shaping preventive direction in the work of physicians taking into consideration ecological changes in the environment;
  • Through the Decision of the State Testing Center at the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan the Tashkent Medical Academy is given the status “Higher Education Facility” (Certificate №8 as of 31st of March, 2008)

Human resources potential

Faculty – 626:

  • Academicians 3,
  • Professors – 97,
  • Docents – 183
  • Assistant lecturers – 357
  • Doctoral student – 33
  • Aspirant-independent – 120.
  • Doctors of Sciences (Sc.D.) – 124
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) – 217


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