By the Departments of Epidemiology, Microbiology, Virology and Immunology, Infectious diseases and leading specialist of State sanitary epidemiology surveillance of the Ministry of Public health held integral lecture on the theme “Immune prophylactics. Basis of the organization of the vaccination. Implementation of new vaccines in practical medicine. ” The lecture held in the lecture hall of the second building of TMA at 1020-1155 a.m.
In the lecture participated Leading specialist of State sanitary epidemiology surveillance of the Ministry of Public health PhD. N.Tojieva. Head of the Departments of Epidemiology M.D.G.Matnazarova, professor O.Mirtazaev, associate professor M. Abdukadirova head of the department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology professor Z.Nuruzova, assistant of the department of infectious diseases PhD M.Muminova and department staff and students of 6,4 courses and clinic ordinators of medical prophylactic.