Students of the Tashkent Medical Academy are the winners in the nomination “For the best report”

Students of the Tashkent Medical Academy held April 19, 2014 in the Tashkent branch of Moscow State University. M. Lomonosov scientific-practical seminar on the theme: “Professional development of the XXI century: theory, practice and prospects.” Where they took the honorable 1st and 2nd place: 1st place – 2nd year student of 216 groups of the Medical Faculty of TMA Shamsiev Shahzod Jabbor. Supervisor – teacher of the Department of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy Khojanazarova Saule Zhubatirovna;
2nd place – 2nd year student 203 groups of the Faculty of Medicine and Biology, TMA Dustov Yorkin Erkin. Supervisor – teacher of the department of pedagogy and psychology Umarova Farida Saidikramovna.

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