“We will build a new Uzbekistan together with youth”

Shavkat Mirziaev


At a meeting of President Sh.Mirziyayev on December 27, 2019 with the country’s youth on the implementation of tasks aimed at taking state youth policy to a new level for fulfilling assignments, the rector of the Tashkent Medical Academy (and other leaders) met with students on January 31 this year on the topic “Rector and young people”

The meeting was attended by the staff of the Tashkent Medical Academy, poet Komiljon Sindarov, world chess champion Zhavokhir Sindarov, holder of the Dustlik order Akbarov Mirshavkat Miralimovich, holder of the Order Mehnat Shuhrati Babadzhanova Guldzhakhan Sattarovna and gifted students of the Academy.



The meeting was held as part of the speeches of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in the chambers of the Oliy Majlis. In particular, the appeal of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2020 to the “Year of the Development of Science, Education and the Digital Economy” will give impetus to the further development of education, science and innovative technologies introduced in the country in recent years, the acquisition of modern knowledge, genuine enlightenment and high culture.



The appeal says that the level of youth enrollment in higher education institutions has reached 20%, by 2020 at least 25% and 50-60% in the future, it was mentioned in detail about the task of doubling state subsidies for admission to higher educational institutions, the allocation of special subsidies for girls at admission. Allocation of quotas for our girls, increasing the prestige of women in society and gender equality are very important. For example, at the Tashkent Medical Academy, the number of students in the 2010-2011 academic year was 2,335 (45%), in the 2018-2019 academic year – 2,235 (36%), in the 2019-2020 academic year – 2,022 (38%). Obviously, the problem raised in circulation is that it is very important to increase the authority of women in society.



During the meeting, the leaders of the Tashkent Medical Academy answered many interesting questions of students.


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