President congratulates veterans on holiday

Victory Park amphitheater hosted a festive event on the occasion of May 9 – Day of Memory and Honor. The ceremony was attended by war and labor veterans, representatives of state and public organizations, military personnel.


President Shavkat Mirziyoyev congratulated all veterans and people of Uzbekistan on the Day of Memory and Honor and the 75th Anniversary of Victory in the Second World War.


“On this festive day, we first of all bow our heads before the bright memory of our compatriots who gave their lives for their Homeland. With a sense of boundless gratitude and sorrow, we remember the names of thousands of war and labor front participants, our brave and courageous fathers and grandfathers, steadfast and patient mothers and grandmothers – all Uzbekistan people of different nationalities who contributed to the Great Victory”, says the Head of the state.


This year, due to the quarantine regime, most war and labor veterans are celebrating the holiday at home. They watched today’s ceremony live on TV.


“In my mind’s eye embracing all of you, dear veterans, I express my gratitude for your courage and devotion to the Motherland, for your feat in the name of today’s peaceful, free and prosperous life.


We see you as wise mentors who enjoy great respect and authority in society, we value your advice and rich life experience. We are proud of each of you, you are and always will be a model of selfless service to the Motherland. Your courage and bravery, selflessness, an inexhaustible source of strength and energy, are the example in overcoming many problems that we face today in life”, noted the President.


The Head of the state warmly welcomed each war and labor veteran present at the event and talked with them. He wished them good health and long life. Veterans in their prayers asked the Almighty for peace and prosperity in the country.


The event was broadcast to participants of the holiday in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional centers and military districts.


Shavkat Mirziyoyev via videoconference talked with the Chairman of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokims of the regions and military district commanders.


The President left a note in the Book of Honored Guests of Victory Park.


Installations on the theme of the Second World War are organized in the park, including a railway station, trenches, military equipment and weapons are displayed.


The Head of the state got acquainted with the exhibition.


The Park has all the conditions for us to know the history, remember the past, honor the heroes, as well as for meaningful leisure of the population, conducting cultural events, creative meetings and literary evenings.


The Victory Park will become a practical embodiment of deep devotion to the Motherland, an immortal feat and bright memory of those who sacrificed their lives for peace and freedom.

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