As part of the international cooperation of the Tashkent Medical Academy with foreign partner universities during a pandemic, on October 16, 2020, the Department of Uzbek and Foreign Languages of the TMA organized an online round table on the topic: “Methods of teaching foreign languages to medical students in a pandemic.”
Teaching staff of the Department of Foreign and Latin Languages of the Samara State Medical University (Russia) took part in this conference, headed by the head of the department, Professor Elena Vladimirovna Bekisheva, the leadership and teaching staff of the Department of Uzbek and Foreign Languages of TMA and students of the International Faculty of TMA.
During the round table, the participants exchanged experience in organizing language training for medical students, considered the practice of teaching a foreign language in a pandemic, discussed methods of training and advanced teachers training, and also considered ways to jointly create and publish scientific and pedagogical literature.
Carrying out such joint events online is one of the most relevant mechanisms for implementing interuniversity cooperation in a pandemic. Regular meetings of representatives of the teaching staff of TMA with colleagues from foreign partner universities contribute to a wide exchange of practical experience in the field of organizing a comprehensive improvement of the quality of higher medical education.
Work in this direction continues.
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