I-stage of SSS was carried out among 3-year students at the Department of General and Pediatric Surgery No. 1.
“When science reaches any summit, a vast prospect of the further path to new heights opens up from it, new roads open, along which science will go further.” R. Einstein
01/17/2021 at 14.00 the Department of General and Pediatric Surgery No. 1, held a department meeting of the SSS among 3 courses.12 students of the 3rd course took part in the department stage of the SSS. The topics of the presentations covered current problems of modern surgery and medicine. Presentations and reports of the SSS participants interested all those present in their scientific directions.
By unanimous decision of the judges, 1st place was taken by student of group 311 of the medical faculty Zhumaboev Nodir, 2nd place was taken by student of group 308 of the medical faculty Nigina Dadaeva and 3rd place was taken by 2 students: Sh. Misirova, student of group 301 of the medical faculty and Mukhamedova N.The winners were solemnly awarded with diplomas.
You can get acquainted with the materials of the I-stage of aids to navigation on the website: http: http://tma.uz.