1st Uzbek-Italian scientific conference “Modern problems and prospects in otorhinolaryngology”





On October 12-13, 2021, the 1st Uzbek-Italian scientific conference “Modern problems and prospects in otorhinolaryngology” will be held at the Tashkent Medical Academy.

The conference can be attended by professors and teachers from local and foreign universities, research institutes; researchers, doctoral students, independent researchers, research trainees, undergraduates, bachelors, and otorhinolaryngology specialists are also invited.


The main directions of the scientific conference:

Medical equipment and technologies in otorhinolaryngology.
Modern methods of treatment of ENT disease.
Achievements of endoscopy in otorhinolaryngology.

The conference will be held offline. Conference language – English


The first day of the conference will be devoted to a series of lectures and presentations by guests on the main areas of otorhinolaryngology and will be held in the conference hall of the hotel “Uzbekistan”. Time 11.00 – 18.00

The second day of the conference will be held in the medical multidisciplinary center “CHINOR” with a master class of operations and discussions in the form of question-answers. Time 09.00 – 17.00

The conference will include exhibitions of equipment and medicines from leading companies in the field of otorhinolaryngology.


Location of the scientific conference:

1st day – Hotel “Uzbekistan” Address: Tashkent, Mirzamakhmud Musakhanov street 45;

Phone: +998 946768585

2nd day – Medical center “CHINOR”. Address: Tashkent, Kamashi street, 1-passage, No. 5; phone + 998-555-000-556 or + 998-555-033-334


Due to limited space (100 seats) of the conference, please register in advance and apply for participation.



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7 Replies to “1st Uzbek-Italian scientific conference “Modern problems and prospects in otorhinolaryngology””

  1. Ассалому Алейкум! Качон мандат чикади ординатура бойича??? Янги Ийлга чикади ми??!

      1. Assalom Aleykum, lekin tillardan ekzamen hali 2 oktyabrda chiqqan ku, yoki DTM mandatti chiqaradi mi? Umuman chozilib ketti hammasi…

  2. Assalomu alaykum, 2021-2022 yil uchun kilinik ordinaturaning yakuniy natijalari qachon e’lon qilinadi? Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasidan boshqa deyarli barcha muassasalar natijalarni e’lon qilib bo’ldi Toshkent Tibbiyot Akademiyasi ma’sul hodimlari oz bolsa ham ma’sulyatni xis qilishsalar yaxshi bo’lardi, yuzlab talaba natijalarni kutib turibdi……..

  3. Assalomu alaykum, 2021-2022 yil uchun kilinik ordinaturaning yakuniy natijalari qachon e’lon qilinadi? Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasidan boshqa deyarli barcha muassasalar natijalarni e’lon qilib bo’ldi Toshkent Tibbiyot Akademiyasi ma’sul hodimlari oz bolsa ham ma’sulyatni xis qilishsalar yaxshi bo’lardi, yuzlab talaba natijalarni kutib turibdi…&

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