The Tashkent Medical Academy risks becoming one of the best in the world.

 I, Joraev Riskiboy Erkinovich, am a citizen of Kazakhstan. In 2021, I entered the Tashkent Medical Academy.

My ideas about the Tashkent Medical Academy before admission:

I knew that the academy was one of the best in Central Asia.

It was opened in 1920 on September 7, and in 1921 they began to train doctors.

At this time, there are many doctors at TMA: doctors-teachers, academicians, professors, associate professors. Some of the most talented and wonderful teachers you can meet.

The main building opened on the 100th anniversary, TMA is equipped with modern medical equipment for the development of practical skills of students.

The TMA simulation center houses intensive care, surgical, and pediatric rooms.

And most importantly, students have a library at their disposal where they can find the books they need for their studies. Books are also provided in electronic form.

Theory is the foundation of every medical student. After all, without basic knowledge, practice is useless.

With such excellent teachers and the latest technologies, the Tashkent Medical Academy risks becoming one of the best in the whole world.

Youth club “Doctor Reporter”



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