Writers and future doctors met at the Tashkent Medical Academy

The Tashkent Medical Academy has a tradition of holding meetings with poets-writers and intellectuals within the framework of the “Sharing Enlightenment” project.

Such dialogues talk about the power of the book, enlightenment, and harmony with science. Another such event was held yesterday.

From early morning, the courtyard of the academy was crowded with students in white clothes. They gathered in order to listen to our famous poets and writers and their heart-wrenching poems. At first, the process of welcoming the guests became more attractive with folk dances, lively songs and poems written by poets.

More than 500 creative students study at the Tashkent Medical Academy. In this sense, the meeting of creators truly shone with the light of enlightenment. From the questions asked by the young people to the guests, it can be understood that sharing enlightenment leads a person to maturity.

The roundtable discussion with the participation of Otabek Zhoraboyev, Ziyovuddin Mansur and Nasirjon Zhorayev, members of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, began in earnest.

After that, the guests and the leadership of the academy, professors and teachers and students started developing the “Green Space” project together. Saplings of various decorative and fruit trees were planted in the territory of schools 22 and 134 of the Academy and Almazor district.

Demonstration scenes prepared by schoolchildren were shown as part of the program. In a unique way, the representatives of literature and medicine had a heart-to-heart conversation with school children. This event was not only a night of enlightenment and spirituality, but united everyone in the path of beautiful nature and ecological purity, the information service of the academy said.



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