We invite you to a scientific and practical conference with international participation!

Akusherlik va ginekologiya

We invite you to a scientific and practical conference with international participation! On February 21-22, 2025, the Tashkent Medical Academy in Tashkent will hold a scientific and practical conference with international participation “Traditions and innovations in obstetrics and gynecology” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Professor Anna Semenovna Mordukhovich. The main purpose of the conference is to improve the quality of obstetric and gynecological care at all levels of the healthcare system: from the primary (outpatient) level and obstetric institutions to specialized centers for maternal and child health, as well as in the management and organization system. The format of the conference: off-line. The conference participants are provided with a scientific program and information materials. At the end of the conference, certificates will be issued to participants. The materials of the scientific and practical conference will be published in the journal “Bulletin of the Tashkent Medical Academy”, approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan. We invite our domestic and foreign colleagues, including doctoral students, applicants!

Detailed information is here: http://obgyn.med.tma.uz/article/5625

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