- Monitoring, improving the diagnostic-therapeutic and advisory activities of clinical departments and clinic staff at clinical facilities, creating conditions for teaching, clinical practice for students, undergraduates and residents.
- Monitoring, improving the diagnostic – therapeutic and advisory activities of clinical departments and clinic staff at clinical facilities, creating all conditions for teaching, clinical practice for students, undergraduates and residents.
- Improving and monitoring the diagnostic and therapeutic activities of employees, students, masters, interns and medical personnel;
- Development of advanced methods and technologies for diagnosis and treatment at clinical sites and the introduction of studies aimed at their implementation in medical practice;
- Continuous professional development (including internships in foreign educational institutions and clinics) and the development of international cooperation.
Clinical base department controls:
- Monitoring the activities of the medical council;
- Organizational and methodological work on the interaction of clinical bases and clinical departments;
- Therapeutic and advisory work of clinical base employees and faculty members of TMA departments;
- Preparation of annual reports on medical and advisory activities of the clinical departments of the Academy;
- Monitoring the clinical activity of the clinic in accordance with protocols and standards approved by the Ministry of Health;
- Consideration of public applications for treatment and counseling activities conducted by the teaching staff of clinical departments of TMA;
- Organization of educational, clinical and labor practice of TMA students;
- Monitoring of clinical departments at clinical sites;
- Work with clinical databases also provides for additional activities based on internal regulatory documents, organizational orders designed to achieve the goals of the department.