Parpibayeva Dinora Ayupovna
Head of the Department of Work with Clinical Bases, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Tel: +998 71 214-9041
Nurmatova Dilafruz Nebadir qizi
Nurmatova Dilafruz Nebadir qizi
Specialist of the Department of Work with Clinical Training Bases
According to paragraph 9 of the RESOLUTION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN dated May 6, 2019 No. PQ-4310:
The department is the main base for teaching clinical disciplines and structural divisions of higher medical education institutions, and also, together with the staff of the department, should actively participate in organizing the educational process, providing specialized services to the population, and conducting scientific research in the field of medicine.
According to the resolution:
The higher medical education institution provides the employees of the departments with sufficient classrooms in accordance with the class schedule and curriculum, as well as conditions for pedagogical and research activities.
In accordance with the educational programs, the Tashkent Medical Academy currently has 156 training and practice bases, and these bases provide conditions for the training of the teaching staff of the TTA, masters, clinical residents, and undergraduate students, as well as for consultative and treatment activities. The total number of clinical bases has increased from 76 to 156 in recent years.
In particular:
The multidisciplinary clinic of the Tashkent Medical Academy: There are 27 clinical department bases.
In the republican specialized scientific and practical centers – 41 departments
In the National Medical Center – 4
In city clinical hospitals – 16
In private clinics – 18
Family polyclinics – 26
District (regional) hospitals – 9
Sanitary and epidemiological service – 15
List of clinical bases.docx
Sample contract with medical institutions of Tashkent city