Sctructure of the Tashkent Medical Academy
- Council of Tashkent Medical Academy
- Administration Council “Rektorat majlisi”
- Chancellery office
- Councils of Faculties
- Council of “Jamoatchilik bilan ishlash”
- Urgench Branch of Tashkent Medical Academy
- Fergana Branch of Tashkent Medical Academy
- Termez Branch of Tashkent Medical Academy
- Faculty of Medicine
- Medical-Pedagogical Faculty
- Medical-Prophylactic Faculty
- Higher Nursing Faculty
- Professional Training Faculty
- International Faculty
- Military-Medical Faculty
Centers & Labs:
- Branch Center of Professional development and retraining for Pedagogical Staffs under Tashkent Medical Academy
- Interuniversity Scientific Research Laboratory
- Innovative Center for Advanced Medical Technology
- TMA – Sechenov University Center for Medical Intercollegiate Cooperation
- TMA – Korea University Joint Research Center
- Information Resource Center (Library)
- Information Technologies Center
- Republican Research and Training Center for Dietology under the Tashkent Medical Academy
Specialized Scientific Councils:
Student Residence Directorate
Multidisciplinary Clinic of the Tashkent medical academy
Academic Lyceum of Tashkent Medical Academy
Administration departments:
- TMA Publishing Home
- Student’s Council
- Alumni
- Museum
- Sports complex
- TMA Sanatory
- Labor Union