- Approval of the diploma
- Getting information from the workplace
- Getting a student certificate
- Regulations for student information
- Submission of applications for withdrawal of applicants’ documents
- Regulations for withdrawal of abituriers’ docu- ment
- Apply for Residence in Student Residence
- Regulations for applying for a residence permit
- Getting to know students
- Procedure for obtaining information about students
- Vacancy positions
- Vacancy rankings regulations
- Admission to Rector’s Office
- Rector’s Regulations
- Reception of applicants for electronic applicants (bachelor)
- Electron acceptance regulations of applicants
- Reception of entrants for electronic applicants (magistracy)
- Elsevier, EBSCO, HINARY, MedLine, Springer
- Корпоративная электронная почта
- TTA Moodle tizimi:
- Procedure for Electronic Reception of Applications
- Applying for a scholarship competition
- The rules for applying for the competition for the scholarships
- Applying for the “Best pedagogue of higher education institution”
- The best pedagogical regulations of the higher education institution
- Apply for the contest “The Best Textbook and Theoretician of the Year”
- The rules for applying for the best textbooks and manuals of the year
- Apply for academic leave
- Procedure for applying for a scholarship
- Apply to apply for a scholarship
- Procedure for applying for a scholarship
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