list of gifted students
(2018-2019 academic year)
The Department | № | FULL NAME | Faculty | Course | Circle Name | Circle Leader |
1. | Samatov Akmal | Medical-pedagogical | 6 | |||
2. | Muhammadxonova Maxliyo | Medical-pedagogical | 5 | |||
3. | Medical-pedagogical | |||||
4. | Medical-pedagogical | |||||
Normal and pathological physiology | 5. | Otabekova Karima | Medical-pedagogical | 2 | ||
6. | Medical-pedagogical | |||||
7. | Medical-pedagogical | |||||
8. | Medical-pedagogical | |||||
9. | Medical-pedagogical | |||||
10. | Medical-pedagogical | |||||
11. | Medical-pedagogical | |||||
12. | Medical-pedagogical | |||||
Psychiatry and narcology | 13. | Rasyayev Dimitry | Medical-pedagogical | 5 | ||
14. | Akxmadjonova Muzayana | Medical-pedagogical | 5 | |||
15. | Alikxonov Bobur | Medical-pedagogical | 5 | |||
16. | Rakxmatov Bobonazar | Medical-pedagogical | 5 | |||
17. | Medical-pedagogical | |||||
18. | Medical-pedagogical | |||||
19. | Medical-pedagogical | |||||
20. | Medical-pedagogical | |||||
Onkology | 21. | Ikramova M | Medical-pedagogical | 6 | ||
22. | Xodjanazarova Vazira | Medical-pedagogical | 6 | |||
23. | Medical-pedagogical | |||||
24. | Medical-pedagogical | |||||
Internal diseases | 25. | Abdullayev Bobur | Medical-pedagogical | 6 | ||
26. | Xaqberdiyeva Charos | Medical-pedagogical | 6 | |||
27. | Sobitov Kozim | Medical-pedagogical | ||||
28. | Medical-pedagogical | |||||
29. | Medical-pedagogical | |||||
30. | Medical-pedagogical | |||||
31. | Medical-pedagogical | |||||
TOTAL | 32. |
nformation on the formed reserve of graduates of medical universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tashkent Medical Academy
№ full name Tendency and ability to continue scientific and pedagogical activities in the system of higher education Proficiency in foreign languages:
(0-50 point)
(if several indicate which ones) Level of knowledge of information and communication technologies Possession of knowledge and skills in their specialty Possession of modern pedagogical learning technologies Recommended (a) for further research and teaching activities in the university (name of the university) and research institutes / center (name)
5А510101 – Obstetrics and Gynecology
1 Mжminjonova Herod Furgat Zizi There are 50 88 86 86 Republic Perinatal Markazi
2 Islomov Inomzhon Islomovich. There are 46 88 86 85 TTA Urganch branches
3 Salmetova Malika Nasirovna There are 45 84 87.6 86.0 republic teri-tanosil clinic kasalhonasi
4 Sabirov Jasurbek Oltiboevich Laekatli 30 92 86.17 85.28 TTAUrganch branches
5 Sultanov Alisher Makhmudovich Laekatli 46 84 87 87.18 Republic of Ikhtisoslasҳtirilgan neuralology of ilmias of amalia marcas
6 Aminova Muhabbat Pazildzhanovna There are 35.5 48 82 82 Tashkent Shaharoncology dispensary
7 Abdullaeva Nargiza Erkinovna There are 47 92 80 83 TTAUrganch branches
8 Djanklich Saide Mustafaevna There is 46 88 97 87 Republic of Oncology Markazi
general surgery
9 Khodzhibekova Nafisa Nematzhanovna Laekatli 30 80 87 74 Toshkent Shahar TTA 2-clinic
10 Avazov Azizbek Maқsudovich Laekatli 45.3 92 86 86.6 TTAUrganch branches
11 Yunusov Seidamet Shevket-ғlu Laekatli 46 92 89.2 88.6 Toshkent Davlat Dentistry Institute
12 Rakhimberdiev Shokhruhbek Ravshanbek ўғli There are 46 90 87.0 86.6 Andijon Davlat tibbet Institutes
13 Mavlanov Maruf Mehriddinovich There are 40 76 88.6 87.4 Toshkent Shahar TTA 1-clinic
14 Matniyazov Sarvarbek Bakhtiyarovich There are 30 90 86.2 86 TTAUrganch branches
Children’s Infectious Diseases
15 Abdullaeva Dilfuza Kadamovna Laegatli 46 88 84 78 TTAUrganch branches
16 Rizmetov ShiNazar Rashidbayevich Laegatli 34.5 84 84.3 84 TTAUrganch branches
Forensic-medical examination
17 Sultanov Sukhrob Bakhodirovich Laekatli 32 94 88 86 TTA
18 Mavlyanov Sanzhar Norbutaevich Laekatli 30 80 88 80 TTA Thermiz branches
19 Seyfullaeva Gulnara Adilbekovna Laekatli 35.4 88 88 86 Tespravika court tibby examination burosy
20 Rakhimjonov Azamjon Akbarjon ўғli Laegatli 48 96 86 86 Republic Markazi immunology
21 Kushnazarov Hamarbek Rakhimberdievich There are 36 84 87.75 87.3 TTA Urganch branches
Oliy Khamshiralik Ishi
22 Saidalikhuzhayeva-Zufarov Shoira Hotam қzi Laegatli 50 76 85 86 TTA
23 Babazhanov Tўқin Zhumanazarovich There are 28 70 71 86 TTAUrganch branches
Anesthesiology and Resuscitation
24 Kenzhaev Lazizzhon Tohirovich Laekatli 37 76 90 86 Republic of Angioneuropathy ichthysoslashtirilgan marcasi
Normal WA Pathologic Physiology
25 Zhuraeva Nodira Toўhtapўlatovna Laeқatli 39 86 87 87 Hematology v қ On Kuiish IT
Sport Tibbiota
26 Adkhamov Akbarkhzha Abzalkhuzha ўғli Laekatli 46 90 86 86 Republic of Ikhtisoslasҳtirilgan neurallogy ilmy of amalia marcas
Yusumli Kasalliklar
27 Berdiev Elmurod Norbekovich. There are 48 84 87 87 TTAUrganch branches
28 Artiov Ikrom Akhmedzhanovich There are 30,, 5 92 87 86 TTaTermiz branches
29 Yulbadev Otabek Sobirovich There are 43 84 86 86 TTAUrganch branches
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