Visit of prominent French medical scientists to the Tashkent medical academy.

On November 27, 2017 representatives of the scientific medical community of France, professors K. Jafiel, M. Bonnel and F. Hurri visited the Tashkent Medical Academy

For reference: Claude Jafiel – Professor, President of the French Medical Academy; Mark Bonnel – Professor, President of the Association “Avicenna-France”; Fernard Herrie – professor, former director of the Institute of Higher Education of General Practitioners.

During the visit of French specialists, in the lecture hall of the Tashkent Medical Academy lectures were held on current directions of medical Sciences on the theme: “The Prevention and control of diabetes: past, present and future”, “the Development of French-Uzbek scientific educational and medical cooperation” and “Methods and mechanisms of improvement of qualification in France. “The event began with words of greeting and gratitude of Vice-rector of scientific work T.Nabiev, who noted the high importance of the study of international experience and practices of medical science. Faculty, masters and students of the Tashkent Medical Academy and Industry center for training and retraining of teachers at the Tashkent Medical Academy attended these lectures. During the lecture, Professor Claude Capiel provided the participants with information on the history of diabetes, raised topical issues of this disease in the modern world, emphasized the prevalence of diabetes of the second type and the relevance of this pathology, have provided vision for the development of the disease in the future. Also highlighted the issues of prevention of diabetes, the importance of public awareness of proper nutrition and maintaining an active lifestyle. Professor Mark Bonnel began his presentation with the words of pride, not for the first time to visit the Academy and to deliver a lecture. During his presentation, M. Bonnel told about scientific and practical cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and French Republic. Professor Fernand Herry in his speech explained the importance of continually improving knowledge of health workers, stages of postgraduate education of France and the types of medical education. All the experts noted the importance of international cooperation and knowledge exchange to improve medical care, education and science. The event closed with words of gratitude from the teaching staff of the Academy.

Department of international relations of TMA.

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