Until all sectors of the population and the best specialists are involved in the fight against corruption, until our whole society is, figuratively speaking, vaccinated with a “vaccine of honesty”, we will not be able to achieve our goals. From eliminating the consequences of corruption, we must move on to its early prevention.
Sh.M. Mirziyoyev .
In his appeal to the Oliy Majlis of this year, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyayev noted that ” Efficiency our reforms now depends on four important factors: the rule of law, the fight ‘s against corruption, the strengthening of institutional capacity and building strong democratic institutions.” Indeed, CORRUPTION is the enemy of development. If we do not eradicate this, any reforms will be ineffective.
Taken numerous steps to eliminate it first , “disease” and turning in ysshego education in non-corrupt sector. In particular, on February 21, a round table was held with students in the Tashkent Medical Academy in cooperation with the Department for Combating Economic Crimes of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
At the beginning of the event was organized by the students’ drawings exhibition – lan n and Cove competition and paintings promoting the fight against corruption.
Rector of the Tashkent Medical Academy Laziz Tuychiev spoke in detail about the work of the Academy to combat corruption.
The first deputy head of the Office for Combating Economic Crimes at the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan U. Mukhammedov informed about the anti-corruption policy in our country and measures to prevent it.