Farukhitdinovna Shakhnoza Usmanova
The head of department .
Candidate of medical sciences
Phone: +99871214-89-52
Е-mail: Shaxnoza.usmonova.77@mail.ru
The department of cooperation with lyceums and colleges in Tashkent medical academy
- Improving educational and methodical works
- Developing mental and cultural knowledge of students
- Renewal books and other literatures
- Developing practical skills in medical colleges
- Improving practical skills of pedagogues
- Organizing sport activities among youth
- Creating new sources of literature
- Hard working with talented students
- Helping to find job for graduated students and provocation to continuing education
Activities of our department
According to order №137 2016 22 of march of Ministry of health care of Uzbekistan Tashkent medical academy should make cooperation with colleges such as P.F Borovski, Zangiota ,Bekobod, Olmaliq , Chirchiq ,Angren ,Yangiyul and also Gulistan Sirdarya and with Yangiyer medical colleges Nowadays our department of cooperation with lyceums and colleges also started cooperation with Sergeli ,Olmazor medical colleges and Shaykhontokhur Transport college in Tashkent by initiative their heads . The department of cooperation with lyceums and colleges in Tashkent medical academy also actively support cooperation between teachers from medical colleges and Professors , and other teachers of Tashkent medical academy .By initiative department of cooperation with lyceum and colleges of Tashkent medical academy is organized several competitions and activities . First of all is organized presentation with students medical colleges and lyceums for memory our first president I.A Karimov “The memory of I.A Karimov is immortal ”, competition among students from different medical colleges in sphere of works our first president and also our department organize not only educational programs also we support the sport, healthy life style and we organize several sport and cultural competitions for example among student of medical colleges and lyceums basketball ,volleyball and tennis contests ,also was organized meeting with academics such as SH.I Karimov ,T.I Iskandarov,T.O Daminov,T Soatov, professors N.X Shomirzaev ,A.M Khakimov ,M.M Asadullaev,Z.P Ibodullaev in which students of medical colleges could ask questions about medicine and about life ,works of teachers .For improving education in colleges and lyceums in 2017 23 of march by initiative our Academy is organized conference between rector of Tashkent medical academy L.N Tuychiev and directors of medical collleges .
The department of cooperation with lyceums and colleges also organized variety of cultural competitions such as “Navruz- song of spring” , “The best nurse ”, “Let’s talk in English ” which served as a source of making new friends and exchanging ideas and getting knowledge for medical students also during the competitions students had a wonderful chance to get information about news in sphere of medicine .
In 2017 on 20 and 21 of April students of medical colleges was invited to excursion to Tashkent medical academy in which they had been in different departments of our academy such as Pediatric department , Therapeutic department , department of high educated nurse faculty, Cardiological department , department of allergological and other ,during the tour they had a chance listen to lectures in which they could ask questions and got fully answers from teachers of departments .
During the year the department of cooperation with lyceums and medical colleges organized 16 cultural meetings and competitions , sport activities ,160 methodological and educational activities,120 cultural ,25 conferences in sphere of new educational technology ,25 seminars about employment and continuing education ,12 times was organized excursions to Tashkent medical academy , and also published 21 manuals .
Khasanova Mashkhura Abduvalievna
The Methodist of department
Phone: 214-89-52
Е-mail: mashxura.xasanova76.@mail.ru
In 2016 and 2017 180 of our teachers was trained for a new quality in re quality center.
The information about colleges
№ | The name of college | Address | Telephone number |
1 | Medical college P.F Borovskiy | Mirobod district Shakhrisabz street 8 100060 | Phone number (8-371)233-74 60
Fax (8-371)236 -38-03 borovski.uz |
2 | Angren medical college | Tashkent region Angren Govoruxin street 1 | Phone number (83-70 )66-2-35-25 Atibkollej.zn.uz Angren-uz@inbox.uz |
3 | Chirchiq medical college | Chirchiq Lomonosov street 7 | Phone number (83-70)71-6-68-99
Fax 71-6-68 -99 |
4 | Bekobod medical college | Bekobod G Gulomov street | Phone number 214-02-06 Fax 214-02-06
Bekobod tibbiyot mail.ru
5 | Yangiyul medical college | Yangiyul . Toshkent shox street 56 | Phone number (80-70)3-77-06 Fax 3-77 06 Yanmedcollege@mail.ru |
6 | Zangiota medical college | Zangiota region shifokorlar street | Phone number (83-70)975-62-99 Zangiotatibbiyot2013@mail.ru |
7 | Olmaliq medical college | Olmaliq 6/1 namuna street | Phone number (8370 )61 3-25-77 Fax 61-3 28-31 |
8 | Guliston medical college | Gulistan 3 ibn sino street 14 | Phone number(867)226-48-58 Fax 67-264-8-58Gultib@inbox.uz |
9 | Sirdaryo medical college | Sirdaryo region ziyokorlar street | Phone number(95)510-05-10 sir .stk@markaz.uz |
10 | Yangiyer medical college | Sirdaryo region pakhtakor street 1 | Phone number 350-25-33 |
№ | The name of college | Address | Telephone number |
1 | Olmazor medical college | Olmazor district Shifokorlar street 2 12-6 building | Phone number (8-371) 214-37-60 Fax (8-371)214 -38-90
Srtibbiyot.uz olmazor-tibbiyot –zn.uz |
2 | Transport college of Shaykhontokhur | Tashkent city Shaykhontokhur district Beltepa 10 | Phone number Tel (371)218-55-42 Fax 218-59-91 www.t.shthk@markaz.uz |
3 | Sergeli medical college | Quyliq A. Shermatov street 2 | Phone number (8-71)290-14-57
Fax 290-14 -57stk.uz |