The visit of delegation of the Korea University to the Tashkent Medical Academy.

Within the framework of the joint project between the University of Korea (Republic of Korea) and the Tashkent medical Academy “Improvement of education in the field of health in TMA”, a delegation of the University of Korea led by Vice President for medical Affairs, Chairman of the Board and President of the Medical center of the University of Korea Professor Lee Ki Hong visited from 6 to 10 June 2018.

For reference: the University of Korea is the leading educational institution of the Republic of Korea. It is one of the three best universities in Korea. The University teaches Humanities and natural Sciences.

Currently, the University has more than 25,000 students. The teaching staff of the University consists of 1400 people. One of the strongest areas of education at the University is health and medicine.

The medical center of the University of Korea, which is a University clinic and a base for training medical personnel, is one of the best medical institutions in Seoul.

The visit of the delegation began with the solemn opening of the Joint research center established on the basis of the Tashkent medical Academy and equipped with the project and participation in the Symposium on the future directions of bilateral cooperation, in which in addition to the leadership and the teaching staff of TMA was attended by Deputy Ministers of health and higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, representatives of the Tashkent Institute of improvement of doctors, centers of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance and other medical institutions.

In order to deepen the partnership in the clinical direction, between the Tashkent medical Academy and the Medical center of the University of Korea, an agreement on cooperation was signed, which became the basis for the implementation of joint activities for practical training and professional development of TMA representatives.

Further, in accordance with the program of the visit, visits to the Clinics of the Tashkent medical Academy and the Republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of Pediatrics were organized for the delegation of the University of Korea, during which South Korean specialists got acquainted with the activities of these institutions and discussed the possibilities of cooperation in educational and clinical areas.

Although, during the stay in Uzbekistan, the delegation of the University of Korea visited the Urgench branch of the Tashkent medical Academy, where a meeting was organized with the faculty and students of the Branch.

Holding of these events at such a high level was made possible thanks to the partnership and cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea and special attention and care for the health and well-being of the population brought to a new level by the Leadership of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The organization of the visit and the events contributed to the expansion and development of cooperation in the field of medical education, as well as the definition of strategic plans for the implementation of the joint project and the solution of important issues of training, training and training in the Republic of Korea.

Taking into account the fact that the wide introduction of advanced pedagogical technologies, curricula and teaching materials based on international educational standards is widely used in the educational process, this visit has become another practical step in achieving the goals of improving medical education.

As a result of the visit, the delegation of the University of Korea stressed the high level of preparation for the events and particularly noted the readiness to deepen comprehensive cooperation with TMA.

The holding of such a level of joint international medical events also contributes to the strengthening of cooperation between medical specialists and the successful implementation of modern international experience and practices in the system of medical education and science of our country.

International Department of TMA.

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