Department of Master degree studies and Clinical residency

Имамов Абдураҳмон АбдуганиевичImamov Abdurahmon Abduganiyevich

Head of the Department

Tel: +998 71 214-89-30


    Main tasks to be performed by Magistracy department are follows:

  • The main purpose of magistracy department is to train masters on the magistracy stage in the system of continuous education who will be competitive, high-qualified, appropriate with knowledge to world standards and who have reached high morality and culture.
  • Magistracy is educational-scientific and administrable department of academy by the training in several specialties.
  • Educational process in magistracy by appropriate directions of education (specialties of magistracy) is organized on the base of High educational state standard (further State Educational Standard) of High and Secondary education Ministry ( further Ministry) and study plans designed by leading high educational institute, which were checked by State test Center in Ministers cabinet, and discussed in coordination commission by activity of educational methodic management on educational directions of high and secondary special education of High educational state standard.
  • Organization of study process, participation in preparing of timetable of classes, determination and control of scope of masters independent works
  • To form the theme base of master dissertations by actual fields issues on the base of co-operation of special departments with enterprises and organizations of ministry.
  • Conclusion of contracts about mutual cooperation of special departments with professional colleges and lyceums for organization scientific-pedagogical practice.
  • To form projects, orders, related to students of magistracy and recommend them to the rector of academy
  • To perform spiritual and educational works among masters and acquaintance them with the rules of behavior.
  • Organization of scientific-research and scientific-pedagogical practice in enterprises and institutes on the base of co-operation and development of measures for increasing its efficacy.
  • Organization and admission in magistracy with development of proposals and presentation of them to the direction of university in higher standing organ
  • Organization of activity of Magistracy with the studying of experience and advantages of foreign universities for designing effective measurements with the applying of them in study process.


Ильясова Наргиза ХамидуллаевнаIlyasova Nargiza Khamidullayevna

Methodist of Magistracy department

Phone: +998 (71) 214-89-30





The approved сharter “On Masters” by order number 305 dated 30.10.1998, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan were established on the basis of the former institutes such as 1 and 2 of the former Tashkent State Medical Institute. Heads of departments were professors Rasul – Zade Yu.G. and Yakubov A.V. Under the connection of 1 and 2 Tashkent State Medical Institute in order to organizing Tashkent medical academy was also organized master faculty. Dean of the faculty in 2005, professor Rasul-Zadeh YG, and from 2005 to 2008 was professor B.M. Mamatkulov.

According to the order № 190 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to further improve and enhance the effectiveness of the system of higher postgraduate education of the Republic of Uzbekistan” dated September 10, 2007, order number 34 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education on 18 February 2008 and the order number 106 of Tashkent Medical Academy on May 20, 2008, January 1, 2008 was founded the department of the Master. Master 2008-2011 head of the department was professor Malikova G.B., 2011-2013 professor LK Rakhmonov, 2013-2014 was a Md. PhD. Boymuradov Sh. A. From 2014 to until now head of the department is Md. PhD. Imamov A.A.

Master – a higher education based on study after bachelor, specialty includes fundamental and practical training program, which provides for at least two years of study.

Master – a person with extensive knowledge of the fundamental scientific basis, having knowledge of the methods of scientific work and modern technology, as well as the owner of research and scientific-pedagogical activity of the perfect person.

Master students educated in Tashkent medical academy in this following specialization:

Graduate programs (Master’s degree)

No. Directions Years of study
1 Obstetrics and gynecology 3
2 Endocrinology 3
3 Internal medicine programs
Internal medicine 3
Physical medicine and rehabilitation 3
Hematology and transfusiology 3
Pulmonology 3
4 Otolaryngology (ENT) 3
5 Cardiology 3
6 Ophthalmology 3
7 Infectious diseases programs
Paediatric infectious diseases 3
Infectious diseases 3
Phthisiology 3
8 Dermatovenerology 3
9 Neurology 3
10 General oncology 3
11 Psychiatry 3
12 Surgery programs
General surgery 3
Thoracic surgery 3
13 Medical Diagnostics Program
Medical genetics 3
Medical biochemistry 2
Bacteriology and Virology 2
Clinical laboratory diagnostics 2
Medical radiology 3
14 Neurosurgery 3
15 Public Health Administration

e.g. Health Administration in Nursing

16 Medical psychology 3
17 Urology 3
18 Morphology programs
Morphology (human anatomy, histology, cytology and embryology) 2
Normal physiology and pathophysiology 2
19 Program on drug abuse and addiction (Narcology) 3
20 Anesthesiology and intensive care (ICU medicine) 3
21 Traumatology and orthopedics 3
22 Forensic Medicine 2
23 Anatomical pathology 2
24 Emergency Medicine 3
25 Pharmacology 2
26 Sports medicine 2
27 Dietology 2
28 Nutrition 2
29 Allergology and clinical immunology 3
30 Hygiene
Communal hygiene 2
Occupational health 2
Hygiene of children and adolescents 2
Radiation hygiene 2
Hygiene of the nutrition 2
General epidemiology 2
31 Environment and human health 2
32 Nursing Graduate School 2
33 Paediatrics 3

Number of graduated master students after founded Tashkent medical academy

Years Number of grants  Number of tuitions  General number of graduated master students
2005-2006 years 51 152 203
2006-2007 years 61 159 220
2007-2008 years 73 164 237
2008-2009 years 67 195 262
2009-2010 years 71 213 284
2010-2011 years 58 191 249
2011-2012 years 63 207 270
2012-2013 years 59 224 283
2013-2014 years 61 215 276
2014-2015 years 62 208 270
2015-2016 years 62 175 237
2016-2017 years 58 177 235
2017-2018 years 57 156 213
2018-2019 years 57 182 239
Total 860 2618 3478

Who graduated from master degree in Tashkent medical academy they are just working in medical institution, medical clinics and research centers.

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