
Sohibaxon R. Muminova

Head of the Department’s Office

Tel: +998(71) 214-91-72

E-mail: ,

In Tashkent Medical Academy Chancellery conduct their work department head, supervisor, clerk, copy machine operator, messenger, head archivist Archives Division of the Office conducts its work on the basis of the charter academy, and enter the list of received mail. After taking into account the letters, fax board, the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan who came from the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministertsvo Health as well as orders and telephone messages received from the input to the program «E Hujjat” and with the accounting card sent to the departments.

However, keep records of written and oral applications of citizens sent their representatives responsible and strictly monitor their implementation.

The Division maintains archival work, ie accounting documents in a special manner upcoming shipment to archive documents are stored in the archives of a specified period, as well as working together with the State Archives. Provide timely transfer departments copies of decrees rector of the Academy.

Working day in the chancellery every day from Monday to Saturday

Operating time with 900-1700

On Saturday 900-1500

The TMA office conducts written and oral complaints from individuals and legal entities:

– written – can itself bring

– written – can be sent by mail.

Stadnik Lydia Alikseivna


phone: 214-59-65



Khudaykulov Husan Shukurovich

Office and archives department correspondent


phone: 214-59-65


Ismailova Dilfuza Anvarovna Ismailova Dilfuza Anvarovna

Manager of the office and archive department


phone: 214-59-65


Garanina Nataliya ViktorovnaGaranina Nataliya Viktorovna

Head of the archive


phone: 214-59-65



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